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    Theme Park Accidents

    Theme park injury claims or amusement park injuries claims can arise when an individual has been injured while visiting or working at one of these attractions. If you have been injured while at work or enjoying a day out at a theme park, you could be able to make a successful personal injury claim for theme park accidents. Like all compensation claims, third party blame will need to be established in order for your claim to be valid. Your accident will also need to have taken place within the last three years.

    Sites like Alton Towers, Blackpool Pleasure Beach and Chessington Park are the types of theme parks that are subjected to strict health and safety regulations. Despite these rules, major and minor accidents can and do happen in these large and varied types of venues. Travelling fairs also have an additional risk factor attached to them as they are erected and dismantled on a frequent basis. This can cause a range of different risks to both workers and the public.

    Injured While Working At A Funfair Or Theme Park

    All employers, including those who own and run theme parks, are governed by the Health And Safety At Work Act. They must do everything possible to protect employees as well as the public. Failure to do so can often cause very serious injuries.

    If you work at an amusement park, your employer is legally obligated to provide you with appropriate health and safety training. They must also carry out risk assessments related to procedures and equipment. In addition, if required, they should provide you with personal protective clothing and equipment. If your employer has failed to perform any of these duties, they could be in breach of health and safety law. What’s more, they could be found responsible for your accident. In this case, you would have a valid accident at work claim and could be entitled to compensation.

    Types Of Theme Park Accidents And Injuries

    There are many different ways in which you can experience an accident at a theme park. Potential causes of accidents include:

    • the mechanical failure of a ride you are on
    • electrical failures when a ride comes to a sudden halt
    • slipping on pavement or driving over a pothole in the car park

    Below are some of the most common kinds of injury which can arise following one of these accidents:

    • Whiplash injuries can happen if you have been on a ride that has come to a sudden and unexpected stop. Rides like bucking broncos and the dodgems can cause a whiplash injury if they stop suddenly or thrust you back and forth in quick succession.
    • If your accident has been severe then you could end up suffering from shock. In some cases, you might suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
    • Cuts, bruises, lacerations and even broken bones can also result if you have fallen off a ride or slipped on the pavement.
    • In addition, head injuries may also happen. A head or brain injury can often be very severe and cause life-changing injuries for victims. These injuries often also have a profound effect on the injured person’s family and loved ones.
    • Food poisoning claims can arise following a trip to a theme park if the food you have consumed has been contaminated in some way.
    • Burn injury claims can also be triggered if there has been a fire at a theme park.

    What Will My Theme Park Compensation Claim Include?

    If your theme park accident has left you in a position where you cannot continue with your job or earn money then you could be able to claim for a loss of earnings. This may also include any future earnings you are likely to suffer because of your injury.

    If you have had to pay for any expenses in relation to your injury, you could also claim this money back too. You might also be able to claim back medical expenses such as physiotherapy and prescription costs. Expenses incurred from travelling to and from medical appointments can also be claimed for. It is, therefore, advisable for you to keep hold of any receipts for payments made in relation to your injuries.


    • Report the incident to the theme park so they can make an official record of it in their accident bookCheck the accident book and how the accident is recorded before you sign a copy.
    • Obtain details of any members of staff to who you reported the accident/incident.
    • Take photos of what has happened, the scene, and any faulty equipment
    • Get the details of any witnesses to the accident.
    • Evidence of a loss of earnings if your injury has resulted in you needing time off work. Documents related to other financial expenditures connected to your injuries may be required. This could include travel receipts to and from medical appointments.
    • Seek medical attention as soon as possible/first aid.



    Once we have carried out an initial consultation, we will take care of the paperwork required to get your case underway.
    A letter will be sent to you following an initial consultation with your solicitor. This will be a summary of the meeting you had and will confirm that they are happy to take on your case. It will highlight who will be your contact and estimate how long the process will take. The letter will also detail how you will be funding the case and an estimate of costs. If you need to provide any further information this will also be included.
    A letter will then be sent to the defendant, providing details of the accident. The defendant has a fixed period in which they can reply and, in their reply, they must state whether they are denying or accepting liability for your injuries. If they do accept liability, your solicitor will endeavour to settle the case out of court.


    As all personal injury cases are unique, the amount of compensation awarded in each case is unique. The amount awarded is determined by looking at general and special damages.


    The pain and suffering that your injuries have caused is the main factor used to determine how much compensation you are owedThis will usually be determined by undergoing a medical examination, from which a report is created that outlines the length of time the injuries will take to heal as well as their severity.
    Our compensation calculator gives an indication of how much you might be entitled to based upon your injuriesJefferies Solicitors will take these different details relating to your injury into account when calculating how much compensation you should be awarded, which will then be put forward to the opposing side and the judge.


    Compensation also takes into account any financial losses that you might have suffered as a result of your injuries, such as a loss of earnings due to being unable to return to work. If you have had to pay for treatment or travel to treatment, compensation may also be able to cover this as well. So, you should keep any receipts or other documents that help to outline the extent of your financial losses, as caused by your accident/injuries.

    Claiming Compensation For Theme Park Accidents With Jefferies Solicitors

    If you have experienced an accident at a funfair or theme park, our solicitors can help you. We are expert no win no fee solicitors who can help you with any kind of theme park claim.

    Please get in touch with us today to find out how to begin the personal injury claims process. Call us on 0800 342 3206 or complete our online claim form.