Claims Against Harvester
If you have been injured while visiting or working at a restaurant in the past three years, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. Talk to us about claims against Harvester, we are here to help you.
Restaurants, whatever the cuisine are legally obliged to ensure the health and safety of their customers and staff. They must adhere to health and safety responsibilities, but when neglected, this is when injuries occur.
If you have been in an accident at work or in a public place then contact us on 0333 358 3034 or get in touch online.
Accident types in Claims Against Harvester
Restaurants have a duty of care to keep their staff and their customers safe. Workers should be properly trained in identifying and reacting to hazards within the restaurants. For instance, if there has been a spillage, they should erect a wet floor sign – which will alert customers to the spillage whilst they arrange for the area to be cleaned.
If a restaurant fails in its duty of care toward customers and their staff, then it could become the liable party for a compensation claim.
Common types of accidents at Harvester
There are a number of different kinds of accidents that might occur in any restaurant, including:
- Falls from height such as falling down stairs or from ladders
- Soft tissue injuries from kitchen utensils, broken glass, or sharp objects
- Slips, trips, and falls
- A food allergy or food poisoning
- Burns from hot plates/food or from working with dangerous kitchen equipment without having received adequate training.
- Seek medical attention from a member of staff.
- Report the accident to the restaurant. They will record this in their accident book, which will be an essential piece of evidence when making a claim. You will need to ask to see the accident report and you should check the accident circumstances have been described accurately. You do not need to sign the entry immediately and you can wait until you feel better to sign this or you can refuse and note your refusal to do so if you believe the report is inaccurate.
- Take photographs of the scene and your injuries.
- Identify witnesses and take their details.
- Keep any receipts for financial loss as a result of the accident
- Contact Jefferies.
Restaurants often employ workers in different areas such as behind the bar, in the kitchen, and in the offices. Like all employers, restaurants are legally obligated to keep their employees safe while they are at work and must put measures in place in order to do so.
If you’ve been injured at work in an incident, you may be entitled to compensation.
To do this you will need to be able to demonstrate that:
- You were an employee of the company
- Your employer neglected their duty of care
- This negligence was the cause of your injury
Being able to demonstrate these points indicates that your employer is responsible for your injury due to the breach of their duty of care.
For more information see our accidents at work page.
Except for children, there is a three-year time limit on making a personal injury claim. This time limit begins from the date that the accident occurred. You should contact a personal injury solicitor as soon as possible to assess your case.
All personal injury cases are unique and so the amount of compensation awarded in each case is also unique. The amount of compensation that is awarded is determined by looking at two distinct categories– general damages and special damages.
The pain and suffering that your injuries have caused is the main factor that is used to determine how much compensation you are owed. This will usually be determined by undergoing a medical examination, from which a report is created that outlines the length of time the injuries will take to heal as well as their severity.
Our compensation calculator gives an indication of how much you might be entitled to based on your injuries.
However, compensation also takes into account any financial losses that you might have suffered as a result of your injuries. If you have had to pay for treatment or travel to treatment, compensation may also be able to cover this as well. Therefore, you should keep any receipts or other documents that help to outline the extent of your financial losses, as caused by your accident/injuries.
If you think you might have a case for claims against a restaurant, then please contact us.
To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0333 358 3034. Alternatively, complete our online contact form to arrange an initial no-obligation telephone consultation with a member of our team.