How Much Compensation For An Accident At Work
The amount of compensation you can claim for an accident at work will depend on a number of factors. These include the type of environment you work in and the kind of injury you have sustained. If you work in an industrial or construction setting, you are at greater risk of injury or diseases like vibration white finger or asbestosis.
However, the majority of accidents in the workplace are due to slips and falls. These can happen anywhere are often minor. However, sometimes, they can lead to more severe or permanent injuries, leading to higher compensation amounts.
Compensation amounts for accidents at work
Below are the most common types of accidents and the related amounts of compensation to give you an idea of how much compensation you can expect for an accident at work.
These figures are only a guide. Any award depends on the severity of the injury, as well as a number of other factors. These include your age, life expectancy, whether or not a full recovery takes place and whether there is any permanent scarring or any psychological damage.
- Loss of limbs can occur if when working with heavy machinery. Awards for the loss of both arms range from £191,950 to £239,140.
- Wrist injuries can occur in an office environment or as a consequence of using machinery that requires repetitive movement. Compensation amounts range from £2,810 for soft tissue injuries or simple fractures to £47,720 for a total loss of wrist function.
- Asbestos-related illnesses and diseases are still prevalent and often stem from poor working conditions and practices in the past. These illnesses include lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis. Awards for asbestos-related diseases range from £12,020 for pleural thickening causing respiratory difficulty, up to £100,350 if mesothelioma is diagnosed.
- Hearing problems often occur as a result of poor working practices. Awards for total deafness and loss of speech range from £87,410 to £112,100. Awards for total deafness alone range from £72,330 to £87,410.
- Dermatitis claims can occur when people work with dangerous chemicals which come in contact with skin. Awards for claims involving dermatitis symptoms range from £1,360 for irritation, to a couple of fingers for a few months, to £15,300 where the symptoms may be indefinite.
- Vibration White Finger (VWF) injuries and symptoms are common among those working with heavy vibrating machinery if appropriate safety measures are not taken. Awards for VWF range from £2,390 – £30,630.
The above list is not exhaustive but gives a rough guide of how much compensation for an accident at work. Diseases like asbestosis are not sustained as a result of an accident. However, they are still injuries which come about as a result of employers not meeting safety obligations.
Pursuing an accident at work claim
All claims for accidents at work need to be proved. Evidence will be needed to show that you have suffered an injury as a result of the fault of your employer or a fellow employee for whom your employer is responsible. To support your claim, keep a note of the details of your injury, medical appointments you have had in relation to your injury and the contact details of any witnesses. In most cases, you have 3 years from the date of the accident in which to make a claim.
Jefferies Solicitors are experts in dealing with accident at work claims. Contact us today to find out how much compensation for an accident at work you could receive. We operate a *no win no fee claim basis.
Have You Had An Accident At Work?
If you have experienced an accident at work or been injured in the workplace that was not your fault, you may be entitled to claim compensation.
Contact Jefferies personal injury lawyers on our national accident helpline above or complete our quick claim form and one of our team of specialists will be in touch to advise you on your prospects of making a successful claim.