What Is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a condition related to the ears which is characterised by a hissing, buzzing or ringing sound produced within the inner ear. The noises experienced by sufferers range in degree of pitch from one individual to another, they can be low or high in frequency, intermittent or constant and can happen unilaterally (in one ear) and bilaterally (in two ears). Tinnitus can affect both sleep and concentration and it is estimated that approximately 15 % of the population have experienced it on some level.
Most of us have experienced ‘phase change’ which is a temporary buzzing in the ear after going to a concert with loud music or working in a noisy industrial environment. The ear ringing disappears after a few hours and most of us usually think nothing of it. However, those exposed to perpetual noise on a recurring basis are at risk of developing more long-term effects.
Tinnitus sufferers begin to notice they are missing obvious sounds like doorbells, having to turn up the radio or general speech noises. Shortly after, they may begin to detect ringing or humming sounds at irregular intervals and initially in quieter settings, this later becomes a more constant sound.
Making A Claim For Tinnitus Compensation
In the first instance, either call us on 0333 358 3034 or complete our initial online claim form and one of our team will contact you for a confidential and informal early discussion with regards to your condition and making a claim.
Where next? Read: How Much Compensation for Tinnitus