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Cosmetic surgery negligence case study

After complications following cosmetic surgery, our client was left with serious injuries that significantly affected her everyday life and impacted her psychologically. Our clinical negligence specialists worked to help her secure £65,000 in compensation. 


INJURY SUMMARY After undergoing a cosmetic thigh uplift procedure, our client was left with severe genital injuries and excessive scarring.
CASE RESOLUTION Case settled in November 2016 and £65,000 awarded.
SOLICITOR Nadine Elkin

Our client was left with severe injuries after undergoing a thigh uplift operation. She had suffered from Crohn’s disease for many years and opted to have the surgery to correct the loose skin caused by the sudden weight loss associated with her condition.

Our client had undergone the same procedure 7 years previously and knew about the potential complications and the damage that can be caused to the genitalia during the operation. Because of this, she was especially careful about choosing a competent surgeon. In the consultation before the operation, she raised her concerns with the surgeon but he assured her that it was safe to undergo the procedure for the second time.

After the operation, our client noticed that the skin around her genitals was very tight. The procedure had left her with significant scarring and a change in the shape of her genitals which resulted in severe discomfort, distress and embarrassment.

As a result of these complications, she found it difficult to carry out everyday activities like using the toilet and walking long distances. Because of the nature of her injuries, they had a detrimental effect on her marriage and she was unable to wear certain clothing comfortably. Her injuries also led to our client giving up her job as company director and she became depressed and withdrawn.

Our client instructed Jefferies in 2013 and the head of our clinical negligence team, solicitor Nadine Elkin investigated her claim. It was found that the thigh lift procedure had been performed negligently and without informed consent.

The claim settled in November 2016 for £65,000. While this amount cannot erase the distress and humiliation our client experienced, it goes some way in bringing a degree of closure to years of suffering. The damages awarded also compensated her for various transport costs to and from medical appointments and will cover the cost of the reconstructive surgery that will be necessary in the future.

Making a cosmetic surgery claim with Jefferies

Unfortunately, our client’s injuries were not unique and medical negligence does occur. Whether you’re looking to cosmetic surgery for aesthetic or corrective reasons, it’s essential that the surgeon you choose is qualified, insured and experienced in carrying out your procedure. If you have suffered at the hands of a cosmetic or plastic surgeon, the expert clinical negligence solicitors at Jefferies can help. Contact us today on 0800 342 3206 or get in touch online.