Corporate Social Responsibility
Jefferies Solicitors are committed to a high standard of corporate governance and conducting business in a socially responsible manner. This covers everything from how we manage our business and treat our employees, to how we protect the environment and function within the wider community.
The Directors are responsible for steering this approach and guiding employee behaviour, while Jefferies Solicitors staff have a responsibility to behave consistently with the firm’s values.
- Community
We firmly believe in giving something back to the local community and, as such, have been heavily involved in a number of charities and charitable events since its inception.
We ensure the continuing development of our approach to community and social responsibility by applying best practice and seeking innovative approaches.
Read more about the charities we support here
- Health & Safety, Diversity & Inclusion
We act responsibly towards our employees by ensuring we have appropriate minimum levels of performance in relation to health and safety in the working environment.
We try to ensure that all our staff retain an appropriate work-life balance
We are committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusivity. We value the contribution and diversity of every individual with whom we work.
- Environment
We monitor our work practices to reduce waste and minimise our carbon footprint.
We help the environment by engaging in recycling activity within the office by providing shredders and by working towards a paperless solution for the office.
We endeavour to conduct our business activities in such a way that fosters environmental benefits.