Personal injury Compensation Calculator
Our personal injury compensation calculator may help you to better understand how much compensation you could claim for your specific injury.
We have used information from previous client settlements, gained over many years, to provide average payout figures for a comprehensive range of injuries. However, they should be used as a guide only – there are many variables that affect how much a claim is worth and payouts will differ from person to person, depending on their circumstances and the extent of their injury.
To use our compensation calculator, simply select the body part you have injured from the list on the left to find out more about how much you could claim. For a more accurate estimate of the amount of compensation, you could claim for your injury, call 0800 342 3206, or fill in the contact form above.
Head Injury
Hearing Loss
Neck Injury
Shoulder Injury
Arm Injury
Hand Injury
Chest Injury
Back Injury
Pelvis & Hips Injury
Leg Injury
Ankle Injury
Foot Injury
Head Injury
Loss of hearing
Neck Injury
Shoulder Injury
Arm Injury
Hand Injury
Chest Injury
Back Injury
Pelvis & Hips Injury
Leg Injury
Ankle Injury
Foot Injury
Please Note: Figures shown are approximate, based on experience and previous settlement amounts attributes to an individual’s pain and suffering. Final settlement awards may be worth more or less than the stated amount, depending on injury and individual personal circumstances.
If your injury is not listed you could still make a claim.
Contact Us
If you would like to find out if you could make a claim for something that has been affected as a result of an accident, please get in touch with our friendly advisors on 0800 342 3206