While our primary aim at Jefferies is to provide legal advice and access to compensation, in practice, we provide a much wider service to injured individuals and their loved ones.
In the aftermath of a serious injury such as a traumatic brain injury or spinal injury, families require not only medical and therapeutic support but assistance with financial and legal issues. Alongside our specialist solicitors, our dedicated outreach team can assist you with the practical and financial matters that can arise. We aim to relieve the burden these issues can present, enabling you and your family to concentrate on your recovery.
We have extensive knowledge on these matters and are on-hand to guide you through the days, weeks and months following an accident or illness. Our specialists can help you to regain as much of your independence as possible, as quickly as possible.
Rehabilitative support
Good quality rehabilitation, treatment and support can help to aid recovery and enable you to regain as much of your independence as possible. Through a successful compensation claim, we can help you access early rehabilitation from private providers. We can also ensure that your home is suitable for you following discharge from hospital.
We liaise with case managers, medical experts and rehabilitation specialists on your behalf to establish a programme of rehabilitation and ensure the right long-term treatment and support is in place. The kinds of professionals we regularly deal with include:
- Occupational therapists
- Doctors
- Physiotherapists
- Speech and language therapists
- Accommodation experts
Financial support
Often, a serious illness or injury can bring with it financial difficulty. This is especially true if you are unable to work as a result of your condition. If a family member or spouse becomes your primary carer, they too may stop working and lose their income.
At Jefferies, we are on-hand to help you deal with the financial issues that may arise following a brain injury or spinal injury. We can provide advice and information in relation to immediate debt relief and employment rights. We can also help you to access financial support in the form of benefits and grants. Where necessary, we can also assist with appealing welfare decisions.
Welfare and benefits advice
We will explain where you can turn for support and help you work out what you are entitled to. If you wish, we can contact companies and organisations on your behalf, guide you through the application process and assist in filling out essential paperwork.
Practical support
As well as helping you in the immediate aftermath of your injury or illness, we can also provide access to general, longer-term support.
As you approach discharge from hospital, we can give you information about the kinds of support you will be entitled to going forward. Once you have been discharged, our outreach team will be on-hand to make sure the transition goes as smoothly as possible. We can visit you and your family at home to help identify any issues you may be having. We will then work with you to help you resolve them.
Are you looking for help and support following serious injury?
If you or your family have been affected by brain or spinal injury, our catastrophic injury solicitors are ready to help you. Call us today on 0800 342 3206 or contact us online to arrange a conversation with a member of our team