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    We'll work hard to secure you the compensation you deserve

    Five Figure Settlement for Fall at Work

    Our client was injured after falling over a loose cobble in her workplace. Our team managed to secure her £26,000 in compensation.   


    NAME OF CLIENT  Anonymous
    INJURY SUMMARY  Fractured right shoulder 
    CASE RESOLUTION  Case settled in March 2021 for £26,000 in compensation  
    CASE HANDLER Emma Adams  


    Our client was walking through the head office car park at her workplace. This car park has dim lighting and a loose cobble floor. The claimant’s foot hit one of the loose cobbles and she tripped. She put her arm out to save herself. 


    She suffered a fractured shoulder that required arthroscopy treatment as a result of the accident.


    Our client instructed Jefferies Solicitors from January 2020 and she was represented by our Case Handler Emma Adams.  

    The case was settled in March 2021 for £26,000 in compensation. 

    When discussing their experience with Jefferies Solicitors, our client stated that their service was, “Very professional, although friendly and supportive. I was constantly kept up to date throughout despite the difficulties of the pandemic and staff working from home.” 


    If you, have experienced an accident at work then you might be entitled to claim compensation. Our experts at Jefferies are ready to help you.
    To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0800 342 3206. Alternatively, complete our online contact form to arrange an initial no-obligation telephone consultation with a member of our expert team. 

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